Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sore and exhausted but I’m satisfied!

We moved into this house four years ago and when we did we painted the living room walls a dark red (Louisiana Hot Sauce actually) and I LOVED it! Over time the colour has gotten old, and honestly over the past year I have come to despise it. The room doesn’t have a large window so it’s a dark room to begin with and the red just made it worse! So this weekend (in preparation for my maternity leave that will be starting in ten-ish weeks) I painted it a soft sandy colour (Lambskin actually) and it’s brightened everything up, I couldn’t be happier!



I’m going to need to get new curtains because as it is the windows look washed out but other than that it's bright and fantastic!!! And I have the personal satisfaction of saying the I did it all by myself. Hubby help by keeping the kids out of the way (sort of). . . I had to stop and prepare meals for the family and tidy so it took me twice as long as it should have but I’m not complaining cause it’s done and I'm satisfied!

Next weekend I hope to paint my bedroom!

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