Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gosh I can’t believe it!

The baby got her first tooth yesterday!!! This is such a weird feeling me! As a mom I have always been eager and excited to watch the kids grow up so I can see what’s next, what will be the next fun milestone we’ll get to witness!!! But, with this little one it’s so different I just want it to all stop and I want every stage to last longer that it should! I want to savor it all, every moment of it . . . I’m not sad just . . . well maybe sad LOL though not sad for her, I’m happy for her! It’s fun growing up (for her) but for me I can’t help but think with a heavy heart “this is our last first tooth” With this first tooth I feel like she’s officially no longer a new born . . . even though she’s not yet 6 months old she’s now a "baby". My sweet lil baby who won’t stop growing up in spite of what here mama's heart wants.