Monday, January 20, 2014

Office help

Around the holidays I decided to bring my dog ObiWan to work. Our office is moving and since we'll be under guard at the new place I felt that this year might be my only opportunity to get away with such fun; and fun it was!! I did get some work done but I also took some time putting him in poses for photos.
 He is normally pretty rambunctious but not that day, other than car sickness on the way home he was the perfect dog. Visiting, socializing with my coworkers and happily greeted everyone who came to the door. . . well, except my boss. He barked like crazy at him when he came to the door. My boss had been hunting and gutting the day before, we suspect ObiWan smelled death and was trying to warn me haha.  Having him with me, the day zipped by. It would be nice to be able to bring him everyday.