Monday, May 13, 2013

Kiln opening

I opened a completed glaze firing this past week. I always feel like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for my kiln to cool off enough to open. I'm still new and unfamiliar with all the glazes I have and actually owning and firing everything my self so it is still a big surprise for me to open. All of my past openings have been met with about 50% disappointment even when I do follow the test tiles I made and don't experiment I ruin a lot of my pots by glazing them.  The good thing about those past openings was that for there was 100% learning so finally I opened and . . . I'm happy :) 

1 comment:

Spinner said...

And you didn't even show my favourites. You had an amazing kiln opening. So many great pieces. Great job!
(of course, I'm biased as I've been promised a yarn bowl....)