Monday, July 1, 2013

Kids in my kitchen

I'll be honest and admit that I don't play nice with others in my kitchen. I bump or trip over people they get in my way, distract me with talking making me grumpy and when children are involved, there is also that inevitable sneeze going into the food we'll be eating. YUCK!
Recently, I went out of the norm cause I know how much they love it and how good it is for them to learn meal preparation and I invited my 8 and 6 year old to help out with peeling and chopping, I even let them use real sharp knives and a peeler. I was worried about a finger being chopped off the whole time but it was nice to have their company and the pride I heard in their voices when they told daddy they had made dinner was worth abandoning my comfort zone. My 6 year was even proud to show off the little finger cut she got chopping a potato. I think I might have to invited them in to my cooking zone more often. . . Or maybe not . . .  Do you let you kids help out in the kitchen?

1 comment:

Spinner said...

I let the boys in the kitchen, but so far NO using knives. They would pretend they were light sabres! And my knives are SHARP. They have made their own pancakes and we do a lot of baking. They can crack eggs on their own and N can read recipes, with help. NO occasion goes uncelebrated as he always wants to bake a cake!